Above is the first teaser that I made. As can be seen it is only one minute long, so fairly short, but this leaves more to the imagination. But as i explain below, here are some problems my target audience had with it.
The first comment from 'chunkynessrass' although very short and simple gives a clear idea of his opinion. He feels it is too short, I am not given any reasons as to why, but the other two comments may provide me with some of these reasons.
'overgrowthalex' feels that having it so short detracts from the feeling of an action genre film. He says that making it short connotes to the audience that it is not action packed. He goes on to say that all in all, he does not fully understand what the film is about and the audience cannot get a sense of what they would be watching.
Next is 'rellikdestroyer' who is confused by the 'jumpyness' of the film, at one point my actors are inside and next it is snowing. It is clear that i need to make it more obvious that these "agents" travel the world, hence the change in scenery.
Lastly we have 'TheMyfilms4u' whose main concern is the sound. He says that the silence before the soundtrack begins is amateur and that it does not make the trailer work very well. He recommends moving the soundtrack to the beginning so that it begins straight away.
After reading through the audience feedback that I have gained, I have worked out some solutions to what they have said. Firstly, it is clear I need to make it longer and use more of the clips that I h have filmed over the past few months. Secondly, I feel I should probably include a few more title sequences to make it easier for the viewer to understand a change in setting. Lastly, sound wise, I'm not certain about bringing forward the soundtrack as I feel it works well as it is, but I'm thinking about using some sort of sound effect, maybe a heartbeat to add effect and to help build up suspense.
NB. I apologise for my video, for some reason, it keep missing off the last quarter of the screen, to get the full picture, visit youtube by using the link below.
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