Saturday 17 April 2010

Production, Evaluation: Magazine Final Cover

Above is my final poster. As can be seen, the purple line was eventually taken out after feedback from my target audience. It was also suggested to me that i should place a shadow on the magazine title to emphasise the name further which has clearly worked well. I have put in the back shadow behind the title so that it is bolder and stands out a bit more. I have not changed it much, but made the Tom Springall a tad darker so it is not hidden as much. The Z-rule is used effectively in this final piece as your eyes naturally follow across the title, down his body and to his name. The Rule of thirds is also good as a third of his body is each segment diagonally. There are no boxes left empty. Lastly I made Tom Springall's name darker to help it differ from the background and not fade in with it and made 'working his way up' and 'capturing' the best in film larger as my target audience had a problem with that.

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