Monday, 26 April 2010

Production, Evaluation: Final Film Poster

Here is my final poster for my coursework. The first thing you notice are the two main actors in the centre of the page. The both wield a weapon, deagle to be exacct which signifies to the audience that it is an action genre. I have attempted a sort of mirror image affect with the way in which they are looking at the same point and body's turned in opposite ways. By having them look in the same spot, it connotes that maybe they are working together on a similar target, or that they both have one goal, but they are each getting in one anothers way due to them being part of a conflicting agency. Although, the fact that what they are wearing is similar this may not be the case. Due to this lack of obvious answer, the audience becomes more intrigued and feels the need to watch it. For the background image, I have used a rather technologicaly advanced globe picture, with a vibrant orange to help it stand out and conflict with the background, which is rather clever considering htthe film is about conflict. The title of 'Seven point 62' has used a rather 'stand-outish' red so that it can be noticed when people wander past which again helps promotion of my film. The bullet holes are another aspect of this poster that gives away the genre it belongs to, as bullets are generally associated with the action genre. There are a few changes I have made since the last time, the first and most obvious thing being the background colour. Instead of a plain white I have now used a gradient of black to dark grey which connotes death, darkness and evil. It also helps the centre map stand out more to draw more attention to the actors in the centre. Lastly, in response to the audience feedback, I also made the Slogan at the top larger and made it bold to help that also stand out and make it seem more dominant on the poster, as it is catchy, it needs to be seen.

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