Monday, 3 May 2010

Production, Evaluation: Final Teaser Trailer: Changes Made from previous trailer

In response to previous audience feedback i redid the trailer, it is now about 50 seconds longer. The first thing I changed was adding a title sequence at the beginning in response to 'rellikdestroyer'. To remind you, his problem was that he did not fully understand the story and was not sure who these men were, and why they were killing. Therefore, I thought if I put in 'guns for hire' it explains to things. Firstly that they know how to fight using weapons, i.e. assassins, and secondly that they do this for money, i.e. mercenaries. The clip after this title sequence also increases the understanding of this trailer as the audience can see maybe a hitlist being passed over as he is being hired once more for a job. The next change which is also noticeable instantly is the heartbeat. 'TheMyfilms4u' said that he thought I should start the soundtrack earlier as it was too quiet, but as shall be explained later in my next post "Final Teaser Trailer Evaluation", I felt that where it was at the moment worked well, so instead I decided on adding a sound effect. A heartbeat seemed like the right option which is clear from the audience feedback below. By bringing it in at the beginning, it instantly builds up some tension and implies that whatever is happening is dangerous and will contain a lot of energy. By increasing the rate of the heartbeat throughout it sets the pace for the film and denotes to the audience how tiring this mission is for the actor. Also this heartbeat does not contrast much with the soundtrack as they are both a deep low pitched beat. Lastly the heartbeat increases the effect of the shot at the end where he tilts his head up as the heartbeat has got faster throughout and then after the gunshot, it as just gone, complete silence, but as it starts up again, it implies to the audience that this actor may be some sort of 'super' soldier. The next differences are from 0:47s onwards. Firstly, there is another title over black included. It says 'have they ever thought of anything else'. The first reason for this was that even though after audience feedback that people wanted my trailer longer, I felt the snow scene needed to be split up otherwise it would just be a guy running in the snow which may get slightly monotonous. Secondly, the impact that you receive from his answer lately ensures the audience that he really is only after one thing, to kill. Everything onwards from this point is new footage not been seen before by the audience. I have placed all of the snow scenes together to make it seem like that is one mission and then all footage in the woods is another mission. Again to split up the new footage in the snow I have included two clips of my actor Tom Springall answering the previous title sequence, and the first clip of him, questions it: 'Other than killing?'. This is also the first time you hear my actor speak, and as can be seen his voice is deep and rather hoarse which gives the audience another opinion on this actor, that he is someone to steer clear of, someone that is not to be messed with. The next setting is the forest, implying to the audience that it is in a new location most likely due to it being a different person/mission. After the second clip we have a final new title slide that says "Born to Kill". Once again this was used to break up the scene as to not make it too boring for the audience, but to also to show the audience that this is all they do, they don't want to be doing anything else.

NB: I would once again like to apologise for video size on this post. For a full view of it, go to the link placed below:

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