Friday 7 May 2010

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

As well as a teaser trailer, we were asked to make a magazine front cover and a poster to promote the film. The magazine cover I feel promotes the main actor very well. He is large and takes up a lot of the front cover, making it very hard to miss and his name also follows this. The poster is the more effective of the two. It does not give too much away and once again keeps and audience intrigued and wanting to find out more. The two actors on my posters looking at the same point makes you feel that they are either concentrating on a similar target, are eyeing each other up as opponents, or are on the same team are just working out a strategy. But there is no definite answer. The background image of the orange globe, rather modernised as it is implies an action film which is further backed up by the use of the guns in the poster. Lastly the fact that one actor is in front of the other may imply one is more important than the other, but this whole guessing game that is witnessed through the trailer is continued into the poster.

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