Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Production, Evaluation: Teaser Trailer Shorter Version

Above is the first teaser that I made. As can be seen it is only one minute long, so fairly short, but this leaves more to the imagination. But as i explain below, here are some problems my target audience had with it.

The first comment from 'chunkynessrass' although very short and simple gives a clear idea of his opinion. He feels it is too short, I am not given any reasons as to why, but the other two comments may provide me with some of these reasons.
'overgrowthalex' feels that having it so short detracts from the feeling of an action genre film. He says that making it short connotes to the audience that it is not action packed. He goes on to say that all in all, he does not fully understand what the film is about and the audience cannot get a sense of what they would be watching.
Next is 'rellikdestroyer' who is confused by the 'jumpyness' of the film, at one point my actors are inside and next it is snowing. It is clear that i need to make it more obvious that these "agents" travel the world, hence the change in scenery.
Lastly we have 'TheMyfilms4u' whose main concern is the sound. He says that the silence before the soundtrack begins is amateur and that it does not make the trailer work very well. He recommends moving the soundtrack to the beginning so that it begins straight away.

After reading through the audience feedback that I have gained, I have worked out some solutions to what they have said. Firstly, it is clear I need to make it longer and use more of the clips that I h have filmed over the past few months. Secondly, I feel I should probably include a few more title sequences to make it easier for the viewer to understand a change in setting. Lastly, sound wise, I'm not certain about bringing forward the soundtrack as I feel it works well as it is, but I'm thinking about using some sort of sound effect, maybe a heartbeat to add effect and to help build up suspense.

NB. I apologise for my video, for some reason, it keep missing off the last quarter of the screen, to get the full picture, visit youtube by using the link below.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Production, Evaluation: Final Film Poster

Here is my final poster for my coursework. The first thing you notice are the two main actors in the centre of the page. The both wield a weapon, deagle to be exacct which signifies to the audience that it is an action genre. I have attempted a sort of mirror image affect with the way in which they are looking at the same point and body's turned in opposite ways. By having them look in the same spot, it connotes that maybe they are working together on a similar target, or that they both have one goal, but they are each getting in one anothers way due to them being part of a conflicting agency. Although, the fact that what they are wearing is similar this may not be the case. Due to this lack of obvious answer, the audience becomes more intrigued and feels the need to watch it. For the background image, I have used a rather technologicaly advanced globe picture, with a vibrant orange to help it stand out and conflict with the background, which is rather clever considering htthe film is about conflict. The title of 'Seven point 62' has used a rather 'stand-outish' red so that it can be noticed when people wander past which again helps promotion of my film. The bullet holes are another aspect of this poster that gives away the genre it belongs to, as bullets are generally associated with the action genre. There are a few changes I have made since the last time, the first and most obvious thing being the background colour. Instead of a plain white I have now used a gradient of black to dark grey which connotes death, darkness and evil. It also helps the centre map stand out more to draw more attention to the actors in the centre. Lastly, in response to the audience feedback, I also made the Slogan at the top larger and made it bold to help that also stand out and make it seem more dominant on the poster, as it is catchy, it needs to be seen.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Production: Film Poster 1

Here is my first poster for the coursework. I have used my two main actors as the centre piece for the poster so that the audience know who are the main people in the film. I have used a rather catchy slogan, '2 rules. kill. survive' which is seen in the trailer and once again has the impact of no limitation. There rules still break the law in one sense or another. Lastly the bullet holes let the audience know that it shall be an action genre film and that it will contain gun especially as both actors are holding one. Below is what my target audience thought.
Clearly, from the feedback, the main problem is the plain white background. people think it looks too amateur and detracts attention away from the main picture as it just seems blank. The other problem is the size of the tagline at the top. They feel it needs to be bolder or just a larger size so that it stands out better when walking past it.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Production, Evaluation: Magazine Final Cover

Above is my final poster. As can be seen, the purple line was eventually taken out after feedback from my target audience. It was also suggested to me that i should place a shadow on the magazine title to emphasise the name further which has clearly worked well. I have put in the back shadow behind the title so that it is bolder and stands out a bit more. I have not changed it much, but made the Tom Springall a tad darker so it is not hidden as much. The Z-rule is used effectively in this final piece as your eyes naturally follow across the title, down his body and to his name. The Rule of thirds is also good as a third of his body is each segment diagonally. There are no boxes left empty. Lastly I made Tom Springall's name darker to help it differ from the background and not fade in with it and made 'working his way up' and 'capturing' the best in film larger as my target audience had a problem with that.