Friday 19 March 2010

Production: Magazine Cover 3

I have now taken out the purple line, It does look OK, but now I feel the smaller pictures of L.A. and some friends do not have a "template" to follow as before they seemed to be following the line which I think added and certain effect to it.

It is clear that taking out the purple line through the middle was a good idea and now clears up the front cover slightly drawing more attention to Tom. Once again, the main title should be changed slightly so it can be seen easily from afar, maybe some sort of shading behind it would be a good idea. Gurmaher says that it looks like Tom is looking at the boxes but I cannot help this too much as that is what the image is. And I need to continue following the rule of thirds and Z-pattern. Once again my sub-headings need to be made bigger as they are hard to see.

Monday 15 March 2010

Production: Magazine Cover 2

This is the second one and the difference is pretty obvious and it is that there is now a background. I took the whole image and this time kept in the seaside background. This clearly shows where he is and now the poster does not look so plain. Also the colours still compliment each other. I am not sure about the purple diagonal line though.

From the first comment, the title does not work with the background and once again a major problem for both Nik and Gurmaher is the purple line that goes across the middle. It makes it look too amateur like. Also the colours of subheadings are hidden slightly due to the background.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Production: Magazine Cover 1

This is the first out of 3. This one has a white background and then a large image in the middle which draws all attention to him. The way in which he is sitting helps to abide by the "z" rule. The colours all compliment each other a work well, but I have concerns with the white background.

Below is some of my feedback. Alex's problem is that the font of Tom Springall does not stand out enough and make the audience want to buy the product. They would not notice it on the shelf. Next Gurmaher mentions the purple line and how it contrasts too much with the whole magazine cover. He also says that it is not just the font type, but the colour that does not work well as it is lost slightly over the picture of Tom. Lastly Nik feels that the image is a bit too rough and a lot of the sub-headings are too small. I think in the final piece I shall be adding a background image, maybe the original picture of him on a beach.