Friday, 29 January 2010

Planning: Script

For the trailer we have decided that there will be very little in the way of the script, we shall be limiting it to on screen title sequences and a few pieces of voice over.

Ideas for the voice-over:
1:Sure you're up to it?
2: This is what I was born for.

1:Have you ever thought about doing something else?
2:Anything other than killing? No

1:You're in way over your head//You're taking too much on//One day your luck will end

Ideas for the Title Sequences:
-A man fixated on money
-His only motivation is money
-His only emotion is greed
-Becomes careless/sloppy
-A lack of feeling for other humans
-Born to kill
-His greed is his weakness
-1 man..........2 rules.........kill..........survive

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