Friday 29 January 2010

Planning: Script

For the trailer we have decided that there will be very little in the way of the script, we shall be limiting it to on screen title sequences and a few pieces of voice over.

Ideas for the voice-over:
1:Sure you're up to it?
2: This is what I was born for.

1:Have you ever thought about doing something else?
2:Anything other than killing? No

1:You're in way over your head//You're taking too much on//One day your luck will end

Ideas for the Title Sequences:
-A man fixated on money
-His only motivation is money
-His only emotion is greed
-Becomes careless/sloppy
-A lack of feeling for other humans
-Born to kill
-His greed is his weakness
-1 man..........2 rules.........kill..........survive

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Planning: Changes to Storyboard and Idea

Even though at first this seemed like a huge problem we are now using the weather to our advantage. After waking up this morning, we found a huge amount of snow outside, yesterday we were hoping to film the scenes with charlie as the weather has said raining. Instead of just waiting for another day, we have decided to take advantage and use the snow to add more effect to our trailer as a snow scene will be rather impressive. Thank You Snow!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Planning: Filming and shot lists

Tomorrow after looking at a weather report and seeing it is raining we have thought it best to film the scenes with Charlie in them. The fact that it is cold will be useful as I can film the warm air freezing in the air as he breathes. We are prepared, have all the rain Macs and umbrellas to protect the camera and to keep warm. Obviously stocking up and hot drinks and food, so our actor is not starving. Below are all the shots that I would like to get. This includes tomorrow and future filming:

-Tilting the head up into the camera (half of head filmed) Facial expression-angered.
-Turning body round quickly and then dropping to the ground
-Turning the whole body around quickly with the weapon adn taking a shot
-Shots of both Charlie and Tom getting shot in the leg or arm
-Tom dropping out of a tree onto someone running past, breaks his neck.
-Hand to hand combat, disarming Charlie of his firearm
-Rain dropping down the face
-Washing face in the rain
-Collecting rain in water bottle (army issue)
-Tom on the ground, beginning to give up
-Patrolling through the rain (long and close up)
-Running through the woods, water splashing up, close up of feet
-Gun to the back of Tom's head
-Throwing a knife into a tree
-Heavy Breathing
-Walking through Croydon in a big crowd
-Pitch Black, light flashes on, just see Tom's eyes
-Camera underneath Charlie, he walks over it as he patrols
-Running out of ammon with the MP5 and reloading
-Running out of ammo andgetting the deagle out to finsh off the job
-Clouds moving over the sun
-Shaking Hands close-up
-Passing over hitlist, maybe in briefcase, has money
-Shaking hands over the desk, with the big boss
-Patrolling a jumping from tree to tree, taking cover

Planning: Storyboard

Sunday 3 January 2010

Planning: Final idea

After much consideration, I have finally decided on my trailer idea. The concept is that there are two men, who are both hired for agencies as they are mercenaries. THe first mercenary is Tom Springall who shall be seen the most during the trailer is the actor during the scene in the forest where he shall be hanging from trees stabbing people and doing a lot of running around. The second actor Charlie Tonge we shall be using for the forest also, but when it is raining, so it seems like a different time and place as to imply a different mission. The story as a whole is that, these two mercenaries are very greedy, they take on too many jobs and eventually end up taking on the same target. THey end up getting in each others way and it turns to killing each other, which does not exactly work out for the best.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Planning: Idea 2

My second idea was a romance/action film. It would have been set around the 1940's during the World War. The plot would have been fairly simple. A British soldier on deployment in Germany where he meets a woman that is one of the prostitutes for the German soldiers situated outside Berlin. He meets her on an ambush of one of the German bases and 'saves' her from this nightmare. But after a week with her they fall in love, what he does not know is that her children are held captive by the Nazi's and she feels obliged to tell the Germans about the location of some British troops. She realises the mistake she has made and confesses to her new lover who informs his Captain of the attack and then sets out to get her children. He is clearly outnumbered and does not survive but sacrifices himself so that they never know of her betrayal. After careful thought i realised this would be rather hard to do, firstly because of the setting, I would have to get clothes and equipment from the time of the World War, and would also have to find a location that resembled that of the German outskirts during 1940's.

Planning: Idea 1

Our first idea for this piece of coursework was going to be a hybrid between horror and comedy. I thought about using a similar basis to my AS work, a stalker who is fixated on a girl that he knows from work or school and tries to make her love him. As she rejects him over and over again he realises there is only one way for them to finally be together or at least keep her for himself, Death! This is where it would begin to take on the feel of a scary movie film, whereby every attempt to kill the girl is made funny with some stupid accident or mishaps that are not planned. But to maintain a horror film, there would be plenty of blood, screaming, surprises and most importantly, Death! After consideration and some feedback from friends and family I decided it would not be a great idea, solely because, with comedies, it is hard to tell what is funny and what is not, for one person falling over could be hilarious whereas to someone else it could just be seen as pathetic, and as I had already done a horror i decided against it as I felt like more of a challenge.